Beyond any and all human comprehension! a force of nature! enter this magnificent haven for lovers of experimental animation. enter...

i have a long storied history as a film fest runner and community leader :) i was the founder of BEAF which is an online film fest series that i put on with the help of Jack Forest and shape. it is a free submission, all inclusive, 12-hour mega marathon festival which has never rejected a single submission and has always had a focus on making animation approachable and accessible no matter your educational, financial, or geographic background.

currently, i am focusing on running events that are in-person in Chicago, IL and simulcasting them to a greater online audience.

upcoming events:


Saturday, Jul 6th, 2024 | 2PM - 6PM CST

Hosted @ Sweet Void Cinema, Chicago, IL

Streamed @ ddbentl on YouTube

past events:

HallowBEAF Animation Fearstival

Oct 28th, 2023 | 12PM - 11PM CST

Streamed @ beaf_fest on YouTube

MicroBEAF Animation Fartsival

May 18th, 2023 | 12PM - 10PM CST

Streamed @ beaf_fest on YouTube

bentlcord Experimental
Animation Festival

Jan 28th, 2023 | 12PM - 10PM CST

Streamed @ beaf_fest on YouTube