toons / lesbian dogwood and the disaster life thereof: part 1

1080p streaming:

1080p direct download (higher bitrate than stream version) | subtitle file

480p streaming:

480p direct download | subtitle file

Grant Duffrin as Old Man
Janet Francine Shay as Lesbian Dogwood
Max as Mosquito Man
Quinn as Yellow Orb
Sonja Larsson as Fishbaby
Meghan Morman as The Royal Apparition
bentl as the rest

/// CREW ///
Claymation Prop Artist: Max
Subtitle Help: Jack Forest


this was most certainly my biggest creative achievement at the time, taking the entirety of 2022 to complete. as such, there is a lot of Bonus Content to share about this piece! here is some such Content:

didactic - a comprehensive breakdown of my creative philosophy during the film's inception


the surface (unfinished short) - i wanted to make shorts exploring the lore of neo kansas city building up to the release of lesbian dogwood. by the release of part 1, i had only thought of one and i didn't finish it. this is a prequel to the events of LDP1, telling a story from fishbaby#359478100's childhood.

panda express cross promotion - paying the bills u kno. made on july 8th, 2022.

art gallery - here's a bunch of concept art and doodles in service of the film's story and characters


anniversary commentary - for the 1 year anniversary of lesbian dogwood, i did a modest little director's commentary =)